Friday, August 12, 2011

IT111-LAB exercise

1. Students use a search engine to find information about who invented the microprocessor.
    A microprocessor is a small, electronic device that has the capability to perform all of the functions that a central processing unit (CPU) performs, yet only on a smaller scale. The microprocessor was first invented by a Chief Technical Officer at Intel by the name of  Marcian  Edward Ted Hoff, Jr, better known as Ted Hoff.

2. Students investigate the computer’s power management settings and create a report on what they discover.
      Power management technology was developed for personal computers (PCs) and monitors to reduce energy consumption when they are not in active use. In addition to the environmental benefits of reduced energy consumption, power management can improve equipment reliability by reducing waste heat. First developed for laptop computers, power management is now common in desktop PCs. As of early 1996, the EPA estimates that upwards of 70% of all new PCs and nearly 100% of all PC monitors sold have power management capability.

3. Create a list of components and features that the student should consider when purchasing a computer. They then explain why they made these selections.
   Mother Boa
   RAM (Random Access Memory
   Disk controlle 
   Hard Disk Drive 
   Floppy Disk Drive
   Video Display Adapter  
   Input Device  
   Optional Equipment

4. Students are  to prepare a report on solid-state storage and how it works.
     Solid-state storage is a nonvolatile, removable storage medium that employs integrated circuits (IC's) rather than magnetic or optical media. It is the equivalent of large-capacity, nonvolatile memory .

5. Students are to investigate teleconferencing technology.
      Teleconferencing technology gives businesses the ability to have meetings over long distances, conduct business briefings, employee training sessions, workshops, seminars, lectures and more between individuals who might not otherwise be able to easily get together.

6. Students are to compare solid-state storage to magnetic and optical storage media. They are to express an opinion indicating whether they think solid-state storage will replace the other types of storage.
      Solid state storage can achieve input and output data rates far greater than conventional, magnetic storage devices such as hard disk drives.
     Magnetic storage uses different patterns of  magnetization  in a magnetizable material to store data and is a form of nonvolatile memory.
    Optical storage is a term from engineering referring to the storage of data on an optically readable medium.Optical storage differs from other data storage techniques that make use of other technologies such as magnetism or semiconductors.

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